Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Random Event in Gawai Holidays - 2009

I promised my Goddess to write something. I do plan to write something but I out of ideas at the moment, so I decided to create some events to write.

The 'Demonic' Barber

This is what I describe the recent event in 'Hair Cuts' epic-fail.

It seems that there are 2 victims in going to the 'specific' barber shop...

"Ah Peng"...

One is my room mate's cousin. She's living in the 3rd floor of this shop lot, just beside 'Da Lai'.

Well it all started when she was asking the barber to cut her hair shorter until the barber got mad and went nuts. She shaved her hair like crazy!!
(Did I mention the barber is a 'she'? Or I guessed wrongly?)

The 2nd victim is the guy next door to Ezra's. He's my room mate's pal. All I can say is that...

He looked like mushroom... Haha...

They were charged expensively, at a low cost service you see. The boy was forced to wash his head on the chair where he cut his hair, then took a splash of water from the top!

Woah! Just like that, wet and simple way. He paid RM16 for that stupid hair style.

Sometimes she talked to herself too.

This is how I can imagine of 'her'... LOL

BTW, I'll be moving to the designer's room (owner's design - he's a constructor) next semester above the shop lot with my room mate. His cousin already arranged the place for us. She's nice too... but she talks loud. I mean real LOUD~ like scolding people.

Geez... and she'll be staying there for 3 years. Same as me.
(Hopefully not more then 3, I mean me of course.)

I've being addicted to this website. It's full of fun and adventure...

In the flash.

It's a united website for all programmers and art "people" to summit their flash games, movies, series and even customized songs.

*Warning!* Contain some violence and disgusting stuff. Not suitable for 18 below and people with active 'body part'. Beware!

Apart from those bloody stuff, there are educational, artistic, amazing scripts and fun. I've been missing this website a long time ago and now I'm officially following it for quite a while.

I was messing with NewGrounds.Com for a few boring days, causing me 'Black Eye' peas.
Haha... get it?

-_-ll *Cold wind...* ~~

Interesting random shots

Dove shampoo anyone?

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