Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ready To Go Back Home... For CNY =D

Time passes by so fast! It's almost 2 weeks (actually it IS 2 weeks...)!




Really miss my NEW clothes already...
Feels like wearing my old sets of clothes for a few years liao. Geez...

Going back to my hometown on this Saturday afternoon, again with Biaramas.
Hoping that this time I'll be using the NEW addition so called 'Air-Bus', leaving all my bad responds toward my journey back home.

Because nearly all the tickets were bought and booked, my auntie (Kuching) helped me to buy from Biaramas since it's the 'earliest' ticket available on this Saturday.

Now she went again for the lucky draw for buying a 2-way ticket.

Fortunately, she got a 'REALLY EXPENSIVE' massage chair from Osim from the 'Wheel Of Fortune', but unfortunately she has to go for a second round in the final date to get the real stuff, cause there's only 1 winner in all.

(Even though the grand prize is a ViVA, but we consider this a good deal already.)

What's wrong with these guys anyway? Give or not to give, that's the main point.
Apparently, she's not the only 'winner', there are other lucky people as well in the line, waiting for their phone call for the 2nd match.

By the way, I'm so 'into' the Friendster's 'Super Pets!' now that I lost all my money in a fight gambling. I should have stop putting all my funds for my 'virtual cat' into the bet. I thought that I'll always be lucky but now, I have 'threw' about 20K away. Poor kitty... I'm hoping for earning more money but instead I wasted so much time for nothing.

1 comment:

Jean Wong said...

Happy Chinese New Year!